Tuesday, 5 June 2018

June 2018, our life update....

June Blog

Where is this year going to!! June already and we haven’t started cruising yet !!

As I write we are still in Yelvertoft marina...We are both getting Marina crazy we need to get out and on our way to the Peak district.

Jenny as always has put the time to good use, re-painting the engine room while the weather has been dry and warm. A good coat of anti rust then a top coat has made it look really good. Not bad for an old one (boat that is not Jenny !!)

Me ? What have it been up to?? I’ve been my usual lazy self just pottering about doing little jobs and the daily chores as required. Bog empting, rubbish dumping, cooking and washing up. This helps Jenny ., well that's my excuse.
I have been experiencing extreme toothache, and a few wobbly teeth for a few months.
I finally plucked up courage to find a dentist. I have a fear of these people going back to a very bad experience with the school practitioner in Northampton. Having woken up while two teeth were being pulled out when I was about 7 years old. The pain and blood I’ll never forget.

Ploughing through a list on the internet we found a local dentist who is taking new NHS patients, well I say local, its at Daventry about 10 miles away.
Other dentists are not doing NHS just private, so was lucky to find one. Full check up revealed 5 teeth beyond repair, rotten and gums missing. X-ray and full ‘invasive clean’ was recommended. Spread out over a month…. each Monday morning for a few weeks . They pulled 1 tooth on the first examination, then all 4 in one hit the next week ..ouch !!..
I looked like a blooming hamster with a pouch full of nuts. Swollen face and so sore.
Then the fitting and making of dentures is now under way !!!...Dohhh. So the stay here at Yelvertoft has had to be extended.

The weather over the last month has been a bit changeable, on the whole it has been quite warm, but also with heavy atmosphere. We had a terrific thunder storm one night, I was ‘stirred’ by a very bright flash, followed by a roll of thunder. Carly and Jake were very frightened according to Jenny ...me, I turned over and went back to sleep. The storm went on for 2 hours, lightning, thunder, torrential rain, I missed it.
It was a shame really because I love to watch lighting. Reminds me of the free light shows we used to watch when we lived in Gorleston, looking out of our lounge window straight out to sea. The only thing I miss about the apartment !!

Living an outside lifestyle has always been a big part of our life so we decided to have a BBQ as we hadn’t had one for months.
Invited next door (Gregg and Jane) and a couple we have pal’d up with (Gail and Chris) who live over the other side of the marina also Jim and Jan from the local chapel came as well. It was a lovely night, warm and still. We had a good laugh and I managed to remember how to BBQ without burning it !! Chris bough his guitar over and I dug mine out and we murdered a few old songs. Murdered being the operative word, for some reason the old Eko didn’t want to stay in tune. Think it might require a re string. Mind you it getting on for 50 years old. One sold for over £250.00 on E bay a few months ago.

As readers of my blogs know we had to come back to the marina to celebrate a special day, the owners of the boat next door on our pontoon were getting married. Gregg and his partner Jane, after a horrible divorce decided to try again and were married at Cathorpe Manor a lovely old Georgian house a few miles up the road from here.
I actually splashed out on a new silk shirt. . hand made in Thialand. Sadly it arrived two weeks after the wedding, but it does look good and fits well.

We were a bit apprehensive about attending the wedding because we didn’t know anybody except the bride and groom, however as soon as we walked in and were introduced to some of the family it was really good, felt at home and the day was beautiful.
Jane walked down the aisle with her son and sang a love song to Gregg it was so romantic.

Our neighbours are, to say the least, very accident prone or to put it in their words. . clumsy. Just after we moved onto the pontoon we invited them to dinner, they both like hot chilli concarni and that is my signature dish (well one of).

The room on a narrow boat is very limited so one has to be careful. The first thing Jane did was, when trying to sit down, she managed to knock some of the decorations off the shelf by the table, talk about looking embarrassed. We laughed as it wasn’t a problem. THEN….Gregg sat down there was an almighty crack.. the chair promptly collapsed, the main hinge had given way and was completely useless. What an introduction to a new friendship.

There weren’t any wedding speeches apart from Gregg to say thank you to all the wedding guests and for the gifts etc. During the talk he mentioned the incident at ours and the mishaps and about being accident prone. He then made a comment that he hoped the mansion would still be standing in the morning as they were staying the night. To which everyone laughed.

Next morning as we sat on the boat having breakfast a TXT came in ...From Gregg at the Manor house. . the pair of them had just left their room on way to breakfast, as he closed the fire door on the corridor there was an almighty crash behind them and when they looked back, about 10ft of coving had fell off the ceiling and blocked the passage way. , we couldn’t stop laughing. It could only happen to them.
Sadly they have just sold their boat and are buying a lovely house in Wales. Haven’t known them long but its been fun having them as part of our lives for the last couple of years. The boat will be moving to its new mooring next week.

Well enough waffle for this blog. . Jenny has just made me a beef sandwich using up the rest of the Sunday joint. With luck should get my new gnashers tomorrow morning and then we should be away for this years cruise. That is if we can find the canals that are still open. .The Middlewich section is closed due to the canal collapsing into the valley. The locks at Marple are closed due to the lock walls collapsing I wish CRT would get on and do the repairs and maintenance that the old system needs…. otherwise we can’t live our dream.. Bye for now.

Over to the editor for editing, sorry no photos as not been anywhere yet….

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